Stratex - GoNoGo App

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Creating the ideal social distancing app

During the pandemic, I began working and at the start of my employment we launched a strategic collaboration with a development partner in Pakistan. One of the initial projects that we came up with, was an app that allowed people to check how busy it was at specific locations, in order to time when to go out to do the necessary shopping. This was a much needed functionality at that time, because people wanted to avoid contact as much as possible in the beginning of the pandemic.

I did the concept development and initial UI design of the app. The data was sourced from the google location API, that provided information on the business of locations.
The resulting concept can be seen below:

The name, logo and tagline

The name: Gonogo refers to the decision-making process of going out to public places. The logo consist of two location beacons that combine into the shape of a heart. The tagline 'Taking care. Anywhere' refers to the social component of staying away from crowded places to avoid the spread of Covid.


An early version of the app was developed.. During user testing, the cost of retrieving data from the Google Locational API, turned out to be prohibitively expensive. Als the use case for the app would only be for a short period of time (the duration of the pandemic). For these reasons, the project was not developed further..

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