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Connected insights in the healthcare sector.

Since the unsuccessful introduction of an Electronic Patient File (EPD) in the Netherlands,  it's been quite challenging to use or exchange any medical data between various healthcare silos in the Netherlands. This means that practitioners, hospitals and pharmacies are unable to use any medical data beyond their immediate use. Doing integrative analysis therefore becomes quite difficult, and it also leads to medical data becoming contradictory or even incorrect. And since no information is shared between healthcare providers, there is a real possibility of conflicting prescriptions or sub-optimal treatments, which can result in a loss of health.

After my previous work for the Catharina hospital, the Financial Director (who had moved into a new position) asked if I wanted to come work for his new Medical innovation company, called Medworq. Their mission was to  developing transmural data-programs that are focused around specific diseases. These programs were designed specifically to facilitate effective collaboration between pharmacies, hospitals and medical practitioners. This could be done only by implementing a solid legal and technical data-infrastructure on which these collaborations could be built.

My role was to design the UI/ and marketing materials of the software that empowers this integrative analysis. I performed extensive user research, using qualitative interviews with practitioners, medical assistants, pharmacies and hospital employees. And based on the resulting insight, I designed and tested several UI prototypes.

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