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Branding a Purpose-driven management consultancy firm.

Helping large organizations with their transition from being profit driven to being purpose-driven, was the challenge set by the team behind Orenda. By providing a framework and unique method, the consultant of Orenda made management teams more aware of the steps that are required to achieve this organizational transformation.

I was asked to design the corporate Identity of the new brand, and capture the essence.

So for the logo, I used a word mark only, using a font that is both round as it is corporate. Striking the right balance between both worlds.
The earthy colors create a grounded, sustainable feel that connects well with the bold typeface.

For the imagery I used a unique effect, the double expose of corporate scenes, used as a semi-transparant frame for eco-sustainable imagery. Using a parallax effect, these double exposure gave a remarkable easthetic to the site and leaflet materials.

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