Zorg.nl - the Mobile App

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A patient app to manage medical data consents

Zorg.nl is an app that would offer a way for patients to manage consents and permissions regarding to the use of their private medical data. The app has a strong focus on authentication, making absolutely sure that the user is who he or she claims to be. A level of security that was crucial to ensure that medical data is handled securely.

The Zorg App would provide a neutral platform that would facilitate the exchange of medical data between various healthcare providers, while placing the patient in full control of how the data is managed and used, combining strong authentication with a flexible permission management dashboard, that would unlock a whole new class of medical intelligence applications.

Partnering with a development partner

I designed the first prototype designs for this tool. After an extensive selection process we decided to have the app developed by Wolfpack, an Agency in Eindhoven. Together with them we launched the first version of the app.

My role

During the project, the CFO of the company became heavily involved. And we had a difference of vision on how the platform should be rolled out.. My focus was on delivering patient value first, then work on the authentication. The CFO was focus only on building the authentication layer. At a certain point, the CFO of the company decided to take over the project to zoom in on the authentication, de-emphasizing the development of the patient-oriented applications. The project team was restructured and I became much less involved.

After a few months, the development process was stalling and eventually, the investors lost trust and withdrew their funding.

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